Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well sorry I havn't posted in while, but you know things get over the wall. So yea I was little busy this few days fixing my car looking on ebay for a pro cam and did find what I'm looking for. Then after that I started to think why not ebay my suff soo I did and I became aFurry Ebay Seller lol ok that all cut and all, but hey it works out well when you get some good money. So that was what it look like then reading about hiking in the fall just make me want to do it now ohh well it night time and that just not safe lol Then after I had dinner I watch a few movie and play around on the net soo it all good and I got a friend giving me some old computer parts so it all works.


You are a COUGAR! You love to discover new things
every day and you love to explore. There is
nothing better in this world than discovering
something new or showing someone what you have
just done that's so great. Sometimes, though,
your curiosity can get you in trouble so watch

Which FELINE are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ok ok it's cool to know my feline, but hey I'm a fox here lol


Blogger Tamandua Girl said...

Well I'm a lion *roar*

You are a LION! You are very devoted to protecting what's yours but you only rise when duty calls. Most of the time, you like to rest yourself and be a couch potato but when duty DOES call, you are a fierce warrior and nothing can stand in your path. You are good natured when you have nothing to do and because of this, alot of people are devoted to you. Some even use you as their "shield". You are very respected for your position.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Fox said...

aww that cute ~giggles~ well even soo being lazy always comes just like pic of Jupiter you both seem to be a couch potato lol JK well ~growls back~ Myabe we both can have fun being a feline for once ..

~suggles~ you are like the only one that ever post on my blogs ~hugs~ thanks

6:26 PM  

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